Bazaar Tracker is now 100% FREE thanks to our new site owner, Castaways

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Trusted by 100K+ Hypixelers

100% Free

Data updates every minute

Do you like trying new games?

Try ours! Travel to the land of Castaways, a free MMO based on skyblock!
Discover all the unique features we built specifically for skyblock enthusiasts like you and start grinding resources to flip for profits!
Now in beta. Available on PC, Mac, iPhone and Android.

Who are we?

We are Bazaar Tracker, a Minecraft SkyBlock focused tracking system for the Hypixel Bazaar that tracks SkyBlock stats across more than 300 products - making it the #1 Hypixel Skyblock Bazaar Tracking Solution. Our site allows players to learn how to bazaar flip, and generating more income on the Hypixel SkyBlock server.

Play our new game!

Castaways is a FREE MMO like Skyblock for PC, iPhone, and Android!

App screenshot